Combat Rework Q&A Answers

Combat Rework Q&A Answers

Fen Research Official news by Fen Research on March 4th, 2025 (Source)

Due to a few moving parts, we have had to postpone our Q&A livestream.

We have answered as many questions as we could that were relevent to the Combat Rework, and the answers are below.

What will happen with the quartermaster and the expansion reward from the Brannof Inheritance?

The Quartermaster storage spaces will be unrestricted and able to store all combat items. The reward from the Brannof Inheritance quest will expand the number of storage spaces.

How do the new combat capes operate with skill ceiling being level 2000? One long cape or several capes at milestones?

Once the combat cape is the same length as an existing cape, the panels will slowly be replaced from the top down until you have an entirely new cape design.

Is personal striping based on episodes discovered or episodes that exist?

The episodes that exist (except for free players where it is only the first two episodes).

If my friends ever start playing, how will they catch up to our combat level if max is 2000 and higher each episode?

The first skin of each monster is much easier than subsequent skins, making getting to the last launched episode much easier than getting to level 2000.

What will the XP curve look like for combat?

The first 200 levels are the same as other professions, however unlike other professions the next difficulty increase is at level 800 instead of level 200.

How will crafting work when newer episodes come out because supposedly the maximum theoretically would be 2500 if we're counting the stonemaw hill episode?

We will go into more detail on this when we are preparing to launch episode 6.

Are you stretching the armor designs thinly across 2,000 combat levels or are you actively creating even more intricate/attractive armor to reward the higher levels?

We are stretching the armor designs across the 2,500 combat levels of episodes 1 to 5.

How has the long term vision for the game changed with the shift to a single combat level?

The long term vision has not changed. We think the global combat profession provides some nice cohesion between the episodes, while still allowing each episode to have its own distinct theme and professions.

Please comment on whether xp penalties will persist into updated combat and if not what the change will look like

The XP penalty for easy battles still exists, but has been adjusted.

Is there any possibility of adding a ring slot and introducing rings to the game in the future?

Maybe. We still haven't used the amulet slot yet.

Why did you decide to do the combat rework before implementing the features on the "Early Access Roadmap"?

From the feedback we received immediately after the early access launch, your Hopeport combat equipment being useless in Hopeforest was a reason many players stopped playing the game. We felt this was important to fix before we introduce more content, much of which features combat in one way or another.

To get to the next stripe, do you have to kill 1 of each monster in the current stripe?

No. You won't actually see the stripes in the game. It is presented as a single progression that happens to loop back round at certain points.

When a new episode comes out and introduces a new set of enemy skins, would the xp curve also be adjusted to fit the new total level?


You had an original vision for the game with separate combat levels per episode. Do you believe that vision has been compromised by this change, and how will it affect the development of future content for the game?

The new global combat profession design is very much in line with our vision. We wanted to ensure that when a new episode is launched, everyone gets to experience all the new content at the correct difficulty, which the personalized striping achieves.

Is the 'weakest enemy in an episode' for den raids and bosses the lowest level skin of that enemy, or is it based on the weakest enemy in the current stripe?

It is the level of skin 1 of the lowest level foe in the episode. So essentially the level of the first foe you will encounter in that episode.

New episode stripes are personalized to come after your current stripe, wouldn't this penalize players who are just a little into their current stripe, compared to those who wait at the end of a stripe?

New foes can actually be inserted into the middle of a stripe. The example was simplified to try and make it easier to understand.

Will the sum of Knowledge Points invested into passive activities across the various combat skills be consolidated into the new combat skill?

Yes. Your new KP will be the sum of the KP assigned to each episodical combat profession.

Is there a timeframe on combat spells/skills/magic?


Will the new combat skill include all types of combat (range, magic, defense, necromancy, summoning, etc.) or will it mostly be melee focused, and other types of combat potentially be for a future combat skill?

This update only addresses how you level up combat and the combat level of foes, it does not change the combat itself. We plan to change that in a future update.

Does combat rework include special attacks?

No, that will come in the second part of the combat rework.

Will the combat rework help us resolve the secret of the mysterious device?

Maybe! Actually no.

Are there any parts of the combat rework which you expect you will have to tweak later based on feedback?

It is unlikely we will change the combat leveling.

Will there or could there be a way to influence the order of the personalised striping?


How will we even be able to distinguish other players' gear in this system?

We are stretching the armor designs across the 2,500 combat levels that make up episodes 1 to 5.

Will there be more diversification for equipment in the future? Ie will each episode eventually have equipment that stands out from the others?

There is no such thing as episodical combat items under the new design.

How do you intend to deal with item crafting for combat levels above 2500?

We will go into more detail on this when we are preparing to launch episode 6.

Will combat levels be shown above players like the total level is currently?

Not at the moment.

If the Enchantress is being moved to the Mines how will F2P players enchant their tools as the mines are a subscription area?

Enchanting is now done at Obelisks.

Once you have completed your testing, please feedback to the team via email at ' ' with the subject 'Combat Rework Beta Feedback'.

Thanks for taking part. We hope you enjoy!

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